Bible Video: Fight the Good Fight

Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-8

In this last Bible video, we see the apostle Paul and hear of his last words before he dies a martyr for Jesus Christ. Especially, he talks about fighting the good fight. Remember, originally Paul was Saul who was converted as Jesus appeared before him on the road to Damascus. Here we see some of Paul’s moving words that have meaning for all of us in life. If we can live our lives as Paul describes, we will find ourselves with an eternal reward in the kingdom of God.

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First, let’s talk about fighting the good fight. In life, we must put of the armour of God as mentioned by Paul in Ephesians 6:11-17 to prepare to fight the good fight. To put on the armour of God means to have faith in Jesus Christ, to study our scriptures and pray daily, to practice kindness and charity and to follow the example of Jesus Christ. If we do those things, we are ready to fight the good fight. So, who are we fighting against? Some of the biggest battles of humanity take place in our minds and in our hearts. Satan, the deceiver of the world from the beginning, whispers thoughts in the form of temptations into our hearts. If we listen to him and follow what he says, our armour begins to come off and we begin to lose the good fight. However, if we repent and get right back on the path that leads to God, we are back in the ring fighting the good fight. Let us fight the good fight every day. Let us be strong in avoiding the temptations of the devil that entice us to stray from God’s path.


Two other attributes Paul talked about before he died as a martyr for Jesus Christ were the following, in his words: “I have finished my course” and “I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). First, let’s talk about finishing the course. Have you ever taken a course in school, and it became so hard that you transferred out or gave up? In life, we have to continue to work hard, we can’t transfer out, we have to keep going until we finish our course if we want a chance of living with God again – we can do it through our faith in Jesus Christ. Finally, let’s talk about “keeping the faith”. Throughout our lives, the most important thing we can do is to keep our eyes on and faith in Jesus Christ. If we look to Him daily and think about him often, if we learn about Him and endure to the end, we will have kept the faith. Then, when we return to God, He will tell us, “well done thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many” (Matthew 25:21). Let us follow Paul’s example, fight the good fight, finish our course and keep the faith.