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Printable Bible Quizzes for Kids

Check out our Printable Bible Quizzes for Kids. There are easy and medium difficulty quizzes for kids to help them learn more about the Bible. Whether your kids are younger or a bit older, these quizzes are both uplifting and educational. Jump into more Bible Quizzes, enjoy our interactive Bible Trivia, or download more Printable Bible Quizzes.

Printable Bible Quizzes for Kids

Easy – Bible Quiz for Kids: God Creates Man and Woman

Easy – Bible Quiz for Kids: People in the Old Testament

Easy – Bible Quiz for Kids: Joseph is Taken to Egypt

Easy – Bible Quiz for Kids: God Saves Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego

Easy – Bible Quiz for Kids: The Day Jesus Rose Again

Easy – Bible Quiz for Kids: Jesus is Killed

Easy – Bible Quiz for Kids: The Day Jesus Was Born

Easy – Bible Quiz for Kids: People in the New Testament

Medium – Bible Quiz for Kids: Noah and the Flood

Medium – Bible Quiz for Kids: Moses Saves God’s People

Medium – Bible Quiz for Kids: Joseph Helps Save Egypt

Medium – Bible Quiz for Kids: Jesus is Baptized

Medium – Bible Quiz for Kids: God Makes the Earth

Medium – Bible Quiz for Kids: David Kills A Giant

Medium – Bible Quiz for Kids: Teachings of Jesus

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