Bible Quizzes

Bible Quiz: Jesus’ Last Days on Earth

Delve into the profound moments of Jesus’ final days on earth with our enlightening Print Bible Quiz: Jesus’ Last Days on Earth. This quiz offers a journey through pivotal events, from the Last Supper to the Resurrection, as depicted in the Gospels. Test your knowledge on the number of apostles, the betrayal by Judas Iscariot, and the symbolic meanings Jesus gave to the sacrament bread and wine. Discover questions about the Atonement in Gethsemane, Peter’s actions during Jesus’ suffering, and the crucial roles of Pontius Pilate and the soldiers. Explore the miraculous events following Jesus’ crucifixion, including the earthquake and the resurrection. This quiz is not just a test of your biblical knowledge but also a reflective passage through some of the most significant moments in Christian faith. Whether you’re a devout Christian, a curious learner, or someone looking for a deeper understanding of the Bible, this quiz is an engaging and enlightening experience. For more captivating quizzes to challenge your biblical knowledge, visit our collection of Bible Quizzes.